Midwest Digital Marketing Conference presented by UMSL Business!
Always looking for an opportunity to learn more about the industry we love, when we heard about this year’s conference we couldn’t wait to register for our spots! Last week Jen and Becky had the pleasure of attending the Midwest Digital Marketing Conference presented by UMSL Business!
The stunning venue, Union Station St. Louis, was packed to the gills (pun intended…loved this year’s theme) with marketing wizards, industry leaders, and a bevy of professionals eager to learn. We were among the many professionals excited to learn more about the marketing tools, platforms, & techniques we use every day.
Keynote speakers, panelists, & breakout speakers spoke on a range of topics varying from: data, small to medium businesses, innovation, social media, tech, and career. We were lucky enough to enjoy a range of breakout sessions including hearing from two of our social media favorites… Buzzfeed and Pinterest!
A few takeaways we’re thankful for include the buzz surrounding livestreaming on several platforms, a peek inside the hilarious content creation and development at Buzzfeed, and some best practices on the ever-favorite platform, Pinterest!
We truly enjoyed the day being surrounded by our peers in an environment that cultivated collaboration and innovation; we’re more than excited for #MDMC17!