Say Cheese! The Importance of the Picture Perfect Picture!
Say Cheese!
In the world of immediate gratification (aka the internet,) you get just one shot at making an impression with your point and shoot. While your fans are scrolling through their newsfeed double tapping the latest trends, whether or not they know it, they’re curating an image. They’re telling a story to their friends about who they are based off of the images they like, share, retweet, reblog, or pin. And of course they want that story to be a good one. If you’d like to be a part of that tale (and who wouldn’t?) then you have to ensure your images- your digital diplomats- are worth sharing.
What’s better than a story in the age of digital media? A picture and a story. We’ve all heard it, “a picture’s worth a thousand words…” and that’s a nice little phrase to embroider on a pillow, but chances are you’re not in the pillow business and you’re looking to increase your entrepreneurial cash flow. So here’s the good news: on most social media platforms you get to share a picture and some key components of your brand’s message. Share the story of your hardworking chef with a shot of a flame-kissed steak. Share the tale of a product your family business has been sharing for years with a crisp shot of your craftsmanship in the hands of the founder.
Not every picture is worth sharing. But, they don't all have to be staged.
Whether you’ve painstakingly set up specialty lights, props, and product for a photo shoot or you’ve happened upon the golden hour with your iPhone, a quality picture is what we like to call “pure content gold.”
But, don’t hit publish just yet – not every picture you snap behind the scenes of your business should be shared. Cleaning the carpets at the office this weekend? Probably not the content your fans are craving. Unless of course, a bird flies into your office and all hell breaks loose. Volunteering at a local charity? Spread the word with a snap and encourage your fans to do a kind deed that day as well. Now, we’re not all photographers, (thank goodness for the pros!) And we’re not going to get into the depths of Photography 101 (check your local community college listings if you’re interested) but consider the following before snapping & sharing:
Lighting – If you can’t see it, did it ever really happen? All too often while passing through the feed, we see shots of half-lit outings that look as though they’ve been shot in cave at midnight. If you’re attending an event that starts during the day and rolls into the night, consider getting your best shots while there’s still plenty of natural light. Let’s save the red eyes and blurred faces for the cinema, shall we?
Content – What are you trying to share? What do you have the right to share? We’re no legal experts (again, consult your local pro if you’re interested) But, if you’re trying to show off your latest product in a quick snap, consider removing or hiding identifiable labels & logos of other objects that might be photobombing your goodies.
Speaking of goodies, let’s be sure everything is where it should be and flies are zipped, bra straps are hidden, and your subjects are aware (and okay with) getting their pictures taken. Unless you’re going for a candid deer-in-the-headlights shot – which has its place and time on the web.
Ask yourself, “Self, is what I’m sharing adding value to my social feed? How will my fans understand this image? What should or could I say about this?” If you’re having trouble answering all… or even just one of those questions… move on and share something else. We promise, there’s always gonna be something else.
Hire a Pro. If you’re not sure about what makes a good picture vs what looks like it came off of grandma’s wind and snap disposable in 1994, then save yourself the time and hire a pro! Time is money, and a good professional photographer will know how to assist you to get the most bang for your buck.
Socially Jen and Co. knows how to pair your small business with the perfect photographer to capture your good side (hint: they’re both good sides.) If you’re interested in setting up a photo shoot please contact our team today.